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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Federación Colombiana de Periodistas - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry


According to EGM, the print sector is Colombia’s least preferred. It sat in fourth place in 2009, behind television, radio, and magazines. In 2010 it was surpassed by Internet. However, another study shows the sector to be growing: between 2012 and 2014 it increased from 63.2% to 67.1%.

Print media has a 78% penetration in Colombia. Regional newspapers and the popular press play an important role. While there seems be no study that measures the amount of time Colombians spend reading the newspaper, a recent investigation revealed the number of readers to have grown from 6.3 million in 2013 to 6.1 million in 2012. As Colombia has 48 million people, this suggests that 13% of the population reads newspapers. According to DANE, 25.8% of Colombians read a newspaper each day.

Having its origins in 1791, the newspaper is the oldest communications media in Colombia. In 2015 there were four national newspapers: El Tiempo, El Espectador, Portafolio, and La República. The latter two have a financial focus.

There are nearly 90 regional newspapers, including paid, free, and popular titles. The most important are El Colombiano (Medellín), El País (Cali), El Heraldo (Barranquilla), Vanguardia Liberal (Santander), and El Universal (Cartagena). Readership and advertising figures show the Colombian press to have remained healthy despite the international crisis in the sector. There have been no newspaper closures during the last decade and the appearance of free newspapers and magazines such as Vice and Bocas has been positive. It is noteworthy that most newspapers on the list belong to major media groups that also own radio stations, magazines, television channels, and broadcasters.

Media selection

The digital media chosen for thorough investigation by MOM are listed below. The choice was based on audience share (according EGM 2014 third wave), the contents of the media (the presence of informative content, debate, or opinion), and its relevance in the public sphere. This criteria excludes sporting, entertainment, or special interest newspapers and magazines.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by