Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S.

The Grupo Editorial El Periódico is owned by the former Nariñense congressman and businessman Hernando Suárez Burgos and his family. He began with the founding of Diario del Sur in 1983 in the city of Pasto, which constitutes the cornerstone of the media group that today produces more than 20 media in different regions of the country.
Among the media of the group are the Diario del Sur, the Diario del Cauca, the Periódico Deportivo, and about 18 local editions of the popular Extra newspaper. In addition, Hernando Suárez Burgos has added to his media company a station, through the transfer of the station Ondas de Mayo that has coverage in the departments of Nariño, Alto Putumayo and Cauca, and a local television channel , HSB Televisión. He also has a television channel by subscription. Grupo Editorial El Periódico has focused on two topics: The promotion of newspapers in remote regions where there has never been a circulation of local press, and on the other hand, a matrix of production of yellow-type content that has been called popular press.
Hernando Suárez Burgos’ political and business career has been surrounded by some scandals due to investigations and journalistic works that have linked him to drug trafficking, as well as allegations of labor mistreatment in his different newspapers.
Business Form
Legal Form
Sociedad por Acciones Simplificadas
Business Sectors
Lydia Stella Ceballos de Súarez
Wife of the entrepreneur Hernando Suárez Burgos
Sandra Stella Suárez Ceballos/ Rocío Patricia Suárez Ceballos/ Eliana Elizabeth Suárez Ceballos/ Hernando Suárez Ceballas
Sons of the entrepreneur Hernando Suárez Burgos Each partner has 12.5% of shares.
Other Print Outlets
Diario del Sur
El Periódico Deportivo
Diaro del Cauca
Periódico Extra
Other TV Outlets
HSB Televisión
Other Radio Outlets
HSB Radio
Other Online Outlets
General Information
Founding Year
Hernando Suárez Burgos | Nariñense entrepreneur and journalist. He has built a powerful media group from the expansion of the popular Extra newspaper. He also owns the traditional newspapers Diario del Sur and Diario del Cauca, has a cable television chan
Calle 100 69B-40 / Bogotá D.C.Teléfonos: (1) 6134000 / 6134444Sitio Web:
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
USD $ 1.508.570 / COP $4.432 millions
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
USD $ 20.082,5 / COP $59 millions
Advertising (in % of total funding)
No Data
Executive Board
General Manager. Former Nariñense congressman and businessman.
Manager of the company Inmobiliaria de los Colombianos SAS, registered in Bogotá. Its main economic activity is “Printing activities”.
Omar Heliodoro Silva Gómez
He was manager of La Cigarra Ltda, soda company that operates in Pasto (Nariño) and according to press sources is owned by Hernando Suárez Burgos.
Alternate Member
Alternate member. He is registered as legal representative of the Grupo Editorial El Periódico.
Alternate Member and alternate Manager of the company Inmobiliaria de los Colombianos SAS, registered in Bogota. Its main economic activity is “Printing activities”.
Further Information
Meta Data
Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP
Cámara de Comercio de Pasto (Nariño)
Formulario del Registro Unico Empresarial Social, Renovación Matrícula Mercantil 20015, Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S.
Estado de resultados de 1 de enero a 31 de diciembre de 2014, Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S.
Balance General del de enero a 31 de diciembre de 2014, Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S.
Acta No. 037 de la Junta Directiva de Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S., realizada el 4 de julio de 2014.
Acta No 009 de Asamblea General de Accionistas Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S., realizada el 20 de junio de 2014.
Certificado de Existencia y Representación Legal Grupo Editorial El Periódico S.A.S.