Organización Radial Olímpica S.A.
The Organización Radial Olímpica is owned by the Char Family since 1969, and it currently has more than 30 radio frequencies in the country.
The Char Family is one of the most influential families on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. It groups the most important stations of the Colombian Caribbean Coast, to which the country’s most listened station (Olímpica Stereo) also belongs. It owns more than ten companies in different sectors of the economy, among which the following are outstanding: the Supertiendas and Droguerías Olímpica, and the Club Deportivo Popular Junior of Barranquilla. Several members of the Char Family have held public office (either by election or appointment) both at local or national level. Among its members we find Mayors, Councilmen, Senators, etc.
The Char are renowned for their political power in the region, their chains of drugstores and supermarkets Olímpica, their stockholding in the Junior de Barranquilla football club and their construction contracts.
There has been a close relation between the Char family and the El Heraldo newspaper . Fuad Char financed El Heraldo when it went through an economic crisis and was at risk of bankruptcy. Its owners are close friends and although there is no relationship of economic dependence, the closeness between the companies still remains.
Business Form
Legal Form
Sociedad Anónima
Business Sectors
Agribusiness, Trade, Communication, Sports, Financial, Industrial, Real Estate, Investment, Advertising
Char Hermanos Ltda.
The Char Family’s company with the following partners: Bapacol SAS, Alejandro Char Chaljub, Jabib Char Abdala, Antonio Char Chaljub, Farid Char y Compañía SC, Lilia Esther Navas Navarro, Simba Ltda, Gladys Beatriz Yidi de Char
Char Díaz y Cia
The Char Family's company
with the managers Miguel Char Abdala, Graciela Isabel Díaz de Char.
Farid Char Y Cia S.C. / Caraballo Rodríguez y Cia / Simba Ltda.
Farid Char y Cia and Simba are the Char Family’s companies. Without further details on Caraballo Rodríguez y Cia.
Other Radio Outlets
Emisora del Atlántico
La Reina
Mix Radio
Olímpica estéreo
Radio Mil
Radio Tiempo
Other Online Outlets
Media Business
Sonovista Publicidad S.A.
Alimentos Concentrados Del Caribe S.A.
Granos y Cereales de Colombia S.A.
Supertiendes y Droguerías Olímpica S.A.
Club Deportivo Popular Junior F.C. S.A.
Servicios Financieros S.A.
Empaques Transparentes S.A.
Real Estate
Promotora Inmobiliaria M. Char & Cia S.C.
Portales Urbanos S.A.
Farid Char & Cia S.C.
Simba S.A.S.
Char Hermanos Ltda.
Golden Gate International Corp.
General Information
Founding Year
Fuad Ricardo Char Abdala and Miguel Char Abdala | Compare Owners
Calle 72 No 48-37. / Barranquilla.Teléfono: (5) 3850500Sitio Web:
Tax/ ID Number
No Data
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
USD $ 24.821.000 / COP $ 72.921 millions
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
USD $ 2.027.660 / COP $ 5.957 millions
Advertising (in % of total funding)
No Data
Executive Board
He is the President of Olímpica Business Group.
He is a partner of the company Char Hermanos Limitada, which controls 39.1% of Organización Radial Olímpica S.A. ORO.
He also participates in Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A and Granos y Cereales de Colombia S.A.; companies owned by the Char Family who also controls shares in the media group
He was president of Club Junior de Barranquilla (a Char Family’s company) between 1991-1993; 1998; 2001; 2004-2007; 2010-2013.
He is the son of Fuad Char Abdala, a Colombian politician and relevant entrepreneur in the Caribbean Coast.
She is the ¨President of Sonovista Publicidad S.A (Char Family’s Company)
She also participates in Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A and Granos y Cereales de Colombia S.A.; companies owned by the Char Family who also controls shares in the media group
She is married to Lucas Lebolo (former member of the house of representatives by the Liberal Party. He participates at the board of directors of the Institute of Industrial Promotion). She is the daughter of Simón Char Abdala, so she is the niece of Fuad Char Abdala, Colombian politician and entrepreneur of great relevance in the Caribbean Coast.
He is a member of the management structure of Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A, perhaps the most representative of the Family.
He has participated in the creation and promotion of several companies of the Family.
He is the brother of Fuad Char Abdala, Colombian politician and entrepreneur of great relevance in the Caribbean Coast
He was Ambassador to the Dominican Republic in the first administration of Juan Manuel Santos.
He is a partner of the Char Hermanos Limitada company, which controls 39.1% of the Organización Radial Olímpica S.A. ORO.
He also participates in the board of directors of Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A, and Char Hermanos Limitada, companies owned by the Char Family who also controls shares in the media group
He is the brother of Fuad Char Abdala, a Colombian politician and entrepreneur of great relevance in the Caribbean Coast
He is a member of the management structure of Char Díaz y Cia, which owns 20% of the Organización Radial Olímpica S.A. ORO.
He is the brother of Fuad Char Abdala, a Colombian politician and entrepreneur of great relevance in the Caribbean Coast
Other Influential People
Legal Representative and Director of Dalia Bernal Monsalve
Further Information
Meta Data
Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP
E-informa. Perfil económico de empresa Char Díaz S.A.
E-informa. Perfil económico de empresa Char hermanos Ltda.
E-informa. Perfil económico de empresa Organización Radial Olímpica S.A.
Registro Mercantil. Perfil Char Díaz S.A.S
Registro Mercantil . Char hermanos Ltda
Registro Mercantil. Organización Radial Olímpica S.A
Registro Único de Proponentes. Organización Radial Olímpica S.A
Registro Único Empresarial y Social. Organización Radial Olímpica S.A
Superintendencia de sociedades. Consulta general de sociedades. Char Díaz S.A.S
Superintendencia de sociedades. Consulta general de sociedades. Char hermanos Ltda
Superintendencia de sociedades. Consulta general de sociedades. Organización Radial Olímpica S.A
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Char Díaz S.A.S
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Char Hermanos Limitada
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Farid Char & Cia SC
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Granos y Cereales de Colombia S.A.S
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Promotora inmobiliaria M Char y Cia, en liquidación
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Organización Radial Olímpica S.A.
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Servicios Financieros S.A. Serfinansa compañía de financiamiento
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Simba Ltda, en liquidación
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Simba S.A.S
Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla. Certificado de existencia y representación legal. Supertiendas y droguerías Olímpica S.A – Olímpica S.A