Publicaciones Semana S.A.

Publicaciones Semana S.A. was born in 1982 as a media company.
As a media group, it groups the magazines with the greatest circulation and influence in the country. Its most important publication is the Revista Semana, which is the only magazine of political analysis of the country since 2010.
The political and economic influence of its owner Felipe López Caballero, and its director Alejandro Santos Rubino has an undeniable impact on the access to information about this media organization.
It has adapted to the transformations of the editorial market and the use of new media technologies, being able to penetrate in different informative platforms. It has expanded its journalism catalog offering different products for all kinds of audiences. Today it has a contents and products offer that are represented in thirteen (13) brands. In recent years, as a result of the economic crisis faced by printed media, Publicaciones Semana S.A. has ventured in other areas.
In 2009, it created Fundación Semana, whose purpose is to promote actions around the post-conflict and the reconciliation in Colombia and Foros Semana, an initiative aimed at positioning in the public opinion different topics of national interest. It also offers its services so that companies and/or state entities can publish their own magazine. It also offers its services so that companies and/or state entities can publish their own magazine.
In 2014 through the initiative Foros Semana, the Fundación Semana S.A. was involved in an scandal for being a beneficiary of contracts of Fondo Nacional para la Paz, valued at $1.092.800.000 to promote pedagogical activities for the post-conflict and the generation of spaces for discussion on peacebuilding. History and recent developments.
Business Form
Legal Form
Sociedad Anónima
Business Sectors
Sociedad de Administración de Inmuebles e Inversiones S A S
The company is owned by Felipe López Caballero, founder of Publicaciones Semana, and son and grandson of two presidents of the country: Alfonso López Pumarejo and Alfonso López Michelsen.
Isabel López Andreu
Niece of Felipe López Caballero. Daughter of Alfonso López Caballero, Colombian diplomat, politician and member of the board of directors of Publicaciones Semana S.A.
Santiago Londoño White José del Carmen Urbina
Each partner has 0.2% of shares.
Other Print Outlets
Semana Sustainability
Personal Finance
4 Patas
Semana Education
Foros Semana
Other Online Outlets
Media Business
Broadcasting and Advertising
Caracol Televisión S.A.
Caracol Primera Cadena Radial S.A.
General Information
Founding Year
Felipe López Caballero | Member of a traditional family of the Colombian political elite.
Son of the former president Alfonso López Michelsen and also grandson of the former president Alfonso López Pumarejo.
Owner of Publicaciones Semana.
Shareholder at C
Calle 78 B No. 11- 17 / Bogotá D.C.Teléfono: (1) 6468400Sitio Web:
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
USD $ 31.784.500 / COP $ 93.379 millions
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
USD $ 5.513.510 / COP $16.198
Advertising (in % of total funding)
No Data
Executive Board
Member of a traditional family of the Colombian political elite.
Son of the former president Alfonso López Michelsen and also grandson of the former president Alfonso López Pumarejo.
Owner of Publicaciones Semana.
Shareholder at Caracol Televisión
He was owner along with his wife, Pilar Castaño of the Programar Televisión S.A. programming company.
He was close to the president Juan Manuel Santos.
Director of the Revista Semana, a position that he has held for 15 years. His career has been centered in journalism. He comes from a traditional family of the Colombian political elite that has given birth to journalists and presidents: the Santos family, founder of the newspaper El Tiempo, now owned by Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo. He is the grandnephew of Enrique Santos Montejo, renowned journalist of the El Tiempo Publishing House. He is the grandson of Enrique Santos Castillo. He was editor of the newspaper El Tiempo for 50 years. He is the son of Enrique Santos Calderón, brother of the current president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, renowned journalist and main actor of the political history of the country for his influence in the generation of opinion and his participation en different peace processes. He has gained much relevance in the last years due to his role as facilitator in the peace process between the FARC-EP and the national government.
He is the nephew of Juan Manuel Santos, president of Colombia.
He is the nephew of Francisco Santos, former vice president of Colombia in the presidential platform of Alvaro Uribe Vélez. Current candidate for the uribista party, Democratic Center, to the mayor’s office of Bogotá.
His wife, María Aparicio Cammaert, is Secretary General of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation.
He has been involved in strong clashes with the former president and current senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Under his management the Revista Semana has been positioned and sustained as the most influential opinion media in Colombia, making important journalistic researches about the national political life.
Partner of the Brigard & Urrutia law firm since 1994, which specializes in Business Law.
Expert in media and information technology.
Alternate Manager at Valcaba S.A.S., company created in 2008 and dedicated to farming operation.
Brother of Felipe López Caballero
Colombian politician and diplomatic
Daughter of Felipe López Caballero with the journalist Pilar Castaño.
She emerges as president of Publicaciones Semana S.A. in replacement of her father.
She currently works as Director of Sustainability of Publicaciones Semana S.A.
Member of the board of Bavaria S.A. after its purchase by SAP Miller. He was an independent director of the company.
Member of the Board of Directors of BIOMAX S.A.. A company of fuel distribution created in 2014, currently controlled by Grupo Terra, Central American economic group that is owned by Honduran millionaire Fredy Antonio Nasser Selman.
Supervisory Board
General Manager. She is the sister of Juan Mesa Zuleta, who was Communications Adviser to the Presidency during the first term of Juan Manuel Santos and later director of the Fundación Buen Gobierno, which promoted the re-election of Santos.
Sister of María Luisa Meza Zuleta, member of the Board of Directors of the El Tiempo Publishing House.
Alternate Manager of Omar Felipe Roa Monroy Legal Director of Publicaciones Semana S.A.
Financial and Administrative Manager of Publicaciones Semana S.A.
Isabel Cristina Calle Villa
Innovation and New Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Director of Foros Semana
Director of Sustainability and daughter of Felipe López Caballero and with Pilar Castaño. She emerges as president of Publicaciones Semana S.A. in replacement of her father. She currently works as Director of Sustainability of Publicaciones Semana S.A..
Legal Director Omar
Financial and Administrative Manager
Production Manager
Custom Publishing
Custom Publishing
Director of Books
Other Influential People
Director of Revista Semana, a position that he has held for 15 years. His career has centered in journalism.
He comes from a traditional family of the Colombian political elite that has given birth to journalists and presidents: the Santos family, founder of the newspaper El Tiempo, now owned by Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo.
He is the grandnephew of Enrique Santos Montejo, renowned journalist of the El Tiempo Publishing House.
He is the grandson of Enrique Santos Castillo, editor of the El Tiempo newspaper for 50 years.
He is the son of Enrique Santos Calderón, brother of the current president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, renowned journalist and main actor of the political history of the country for his influence in the generation of opinion and his participation en different peace processes. He has gained much relevance in the last years due to his role of facilitator in the peace process that is being advanced between the FARC-EP and the national government.
He is the nephew of Juan Manuel Santos, president of Colombia.
He is the nephew of Francisco Santos, former vice president of Colombia in the presidential platform of Alvaro Uribe Vélez. Current candidate for the uribista party, Democratic Center, to the mayor’s office of Bogotá.
His wife, María Aparicio Cammaert, is Secretary General of the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation.
He has been involved in strong clashes with the former president and current senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Under his management Revista Semana has positioned and sustained as the most influential opinion media in Colombia, making important journalistic researches about the national political life.
Further Information
Meta Data
Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP
Certificado de Existencia y representación Legal de Publicaciones Semana S.A., de abril de 2015.
Registro Mercantil Publicaciones Semana,
Registro Único Empresarial y Social RUES.
Registro Mercantil Fundación Semana, Registro Único Empresarial y Social RUES.
Registro Mercantil Sociedad de Administración de Inmuebles e Inversores S.A.S.
Registro Único Empresarial y Social RUES.
Registro Superintendencia de Sociedades de Publicaciones Semana.
Registro Superintendencia de Sociedades de Fundación Semana.
Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Registro Único Empresarial – Formulario de Renovación de la Matricula Mercantil 2015, Publicaciones Semana S.A.
Acta No. 45 Asamblea General de Accionistas Publicaciones Semana S.A. de 25 de marzo de 2015.