Caracol Radio

Caracol Radio belongs to the Caracol Network, which contains multi-country brands (i.e. present in several countries), has 8 radio systems, three of which belong to multi-country brands of the Spanish company Grupo Prisa. Caracol radio is currently broadcast in more than 30 cities of Colombia. Today it is estimated that Caracol Radio has a total of 13% of the audience in the country, according to the General Media Survey. It content is varied emphasizing news and opinion programs.
As a strategy of specialization, the Caracol Network gathers stations for specific focal public. Two out of ten radio networks are spoken radio: Caracol Radio and W Radio. The others are musical radio.
In 1945 the leaders of the Liberal Party, Alfonso López Pumarejo and Alfonso López Michelsen (both former presidents of Colombia) and owners of the El Liberal newspaper founded the Sociedad de Radiodifusión Interamericana, which 3 years later changed its name to Caracol Radio. At the beginning of 1986 the Bavaria S.A Business Group (of Julio Mario Santo Domingo) purchases the shares of some shareholders in Caracol after the strike of the labor union that produces an economic instability environment in the network. By then Bavaria has the 50% and the family of Fernando Londoño Henao and Alfonso López Michelsen 25% each.
As of 2003, a negotiation is made to transfer all the rights to Grupo Prisa. However, through an agreement of joint trademark, they decided to use the same name for both media, one for the radio and other for the television.
Audience Share
12.9 %
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free Content
Media Companies / Groups
Promotora de Informaciones S.A. (PRISA)
Ownership Structure
Through the companies Sociedad Española de Radio (77 % of shares in Caracol) and Inversiones Ferines S.A.S (14.4 %), the Grupo Prisa is the controlling owner of the Channel. 8.6 % of the shares belong to Inversiones Valmiera S.A.S y Cía en C.A. Its owner is Felipe Lopez Caballero, head of the Revista Semana S.A.
Voting Rights
No Data
Group / Individual Owner
Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión SL
The company belongs to Grupo Prisa
Inversiones Ferines S.A.S.
Company related to the Londoño family (co-founders of Caracol Radio and Caracol Television)
The legal representative is Juana Catalina Londoño Reyes (Daughter of Fernando Londoño Henao). Her alternates are Mara Inés Londoño Reyes (Daughter of Fernando Londoño Henao) and Alejandro Londoño Correa (Grandson of Fernando Londoño Henao, son of Diego Fernando Londoño Reyes and Claudia Correa De Greiff).
Inversiones Valmiera S.A.S y Cía en C.A
The main managing partner is Inversiones Valmiera S.A.S (Felipe López Caballero’s company).
General Information
Founding Year
Fernando Londoño Henao | Founder of Caracol Radio. Married to: Inés Reyes. His children are: Diego Fernando Londoño Reyes (married to Claudia Correa De Greiff); María Inés Londoño Reyes (married to Fernando Botero Zea); Juana Catalina Londoño Reyes (marr
Luis Ricardo Alarcón Gaviria | He was the president of Caracol Radio Network; of Caracol Television (1999-2001); and of R.T.I Televisión, from which he signed co-production agreements with Caracol Televisión. Between 1987 and 1999 he was manager of Caraco
John Camacho | He has worked as Operations Manager of Caracol; Spots Director; Production Director and Manager of Caracol; Administrative and Regional Director for Caracol in Antioquia (Antioquia, Quindío, Risaralda, Santander, North of Santander). Today
Other Important People
Alternate legal representative and Resources Manager of the Caracol Radio S.A. Radio Network
General Manager
Grupo Prisa Radio . He is an entrepreneur of Grupo Prisa.
Business Manager of Grupo Latino de Publicidad.
General Director of Caracol Radio.
President of Prisa Radio.
He was the President of the Asociación Española de Radiodifusión Comercial (AERC).
He was the General Director and Head of the news department of Cadena Ser.
He was one of the founders of the El País newspaper in Spain.
He was the Director of Diario de Cádiz
He was president of the Caracol Radio Network; of Caracol Television (1999-2001); and of R.T.I Television, from which he signed co-production agreements with Caracol Television.
Between 1987 and 1999 he was manager of Caracol Radio.
He began his journalistic career linked to sports, with Iván Mejía Álvarez, Hernán Peláez Restrepo and César Augusto Londoño. He was host of Hora del Deporte in Caracol Television and journalist of sports newspaper Nuevo Estadio.
As an entrepreneur of Grupo Prisa he has worked in business administration positions of Prisa Radio and Prisa Events.
He is an entrepreneur of Grupo Prisa. He was the General Director of Operation of Santillana.
He has exercised the legal representation of several companies belonging to Prisa Música and Prisa Radio. Diego Fernando Londoño Reyes, son of Fernando Londoño Henao (Founder of Caracol Radio and Caracol Television)
General Director of Grupo Santillana in Colombia. He was the General Director of Central America of Grupo Santillana from 2006 to 2011. During 2005 and 2006, he was General Director of Grupo Santillana in Argentina.
He is an entrepreneur of Grupo Prisa, business manager of Grupo Latino de Publicidad and general director of Caracol Radio.
Founder and owner of the Revista Semana, the most influential analysis and opinion publication in Colombia. He is a member of a the Colombian political elite family. His father is Alfonso López Michelsen and his grandfather is Alfonso López Pumarejo, both former presidents of the country.
Calle 67 No. 7-37 / Bogotá Teléfono: (1) 3487600Sitio web:
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
USD $ 77.941.500/ COP $ 229.519 millions
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
USD $ 16.414.200 / COP $ 48.336 millions
Advertising (in % of total funding)
No Data
Market Share
No Data
Further Information
Meta Data
Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP
ABC Publicitario. Cadena Radial, Caracol S.A.
ABC Publicitario. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana S.A.
Perfil económico de empresa elaborado por E-informa. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana S.A.
Perfil económico de empresa elaborado por El Economista. Grupo Prisa.
Registro Mercantil. ALC SAS.
Registro mercantil. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana S.A.
Registro Mercantil. Distribuidora y Editora Richmond S.A.
Registro Mercantil. Inversiones Ferines S.A.S.
Registro Mercantil. Inversiones Marilon S.A.S.
Registro Mercantil. Torolon S.A.S.
Superintendencia de Sociedades. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana S.A.
Superintendencia de Sociedades. Representación legal: Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana S.A.
Grupo Prisa. Informe económico, 2014.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Estéreo S.A. Acta No. 209 Junta Directiva. Revisado el 04/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Estéreo S.A. Asamblea General De Accionistas Acta No. 46. Revisado el 27/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Estéreo S.A. Formulario Registro Único Empresarial Rues.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Estéreo S.A. Revisora Fiscal Principal. Revisado el 27/08/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Estéreo S.A. Revisores Fiscales. 04 De Mayo De 2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial. Certificado 12/08/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial. Escritura Pública 4/08/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial. Extracto De Acta 100-Asamblea Extraordinaria De Accionistas 28/07/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Caracol Primera Cadena Radial. Formulario De Renovación Matricula Mercantil 13/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Compañía De Comunicaciones De Colombia. Accionistas Acta No. 68.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Compañía De Comunicaciones De Colombia. Revisora Fiscal Principal.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Compañía De Comunicaciones De Colombia. Formulario Rues 30/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Acta 23 Reunión De Asamblea Extraordinaria De Accionistas 29/10/2014.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Certificado Ccb 23/10/2014.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Certificado Ccb -23/10/2014.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Escritura Pública 21/11/2014.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Revisión Fiscal.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Renovación De Matricula Mercantil 09/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Distribuidora Y Editora Richmond. Revisión Fiscal.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Ecos De La Montaña, Cadena Radial Andina S.A. Accionistas Acta No. 50 1995.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Ecos De La Montaña, Cadena Radial Andina S.A. Notas A Estados Financieros A Diciembre De 1997.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Ecos De La Montaña, Cadena Radial Andina S.A. Informe Junta Directiva Marzo 2 De 1998.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Ecos De La Montaña, Cadena Radial Andina S.A. Balance General En Diciembre De 1997.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Promotora De Publicidad Radial S.A. Acta 108-Reunio De La Junta Directiva 04/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Promotora De Publicidad Radial S.A. Acta 95-Asamblea General De Accionistas 27/03/2015.
Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá. Promotora De Publicidad Radial S.A. Formulario De Renovación Mercantil 31/03/2015.