Minuto 30.com
According to Alexa, Minuto 30.com is Colombia’s first most visited niche digital media. Luis Adolfo Caro is the only owner of the media.
From its creation in 2013, Luis Adolfo Caro has been the only shareholder. Much of the content of the page is centered on Medellín and Antioquia, (place to which the media belongs). However, the website also has national and international information. It has a centralized view of politics, only focusing on the cities of Bogotá and Medellín.
It offers to the audience the possibility to send photos and videos of daily news (accidents, crimes). The opinion section of the site manages an editorial line quite close to Uribismo.
According to the records of the Chamber of Commerce of Medellín, the media has not presented changes in its shareholding structure.
Audience Share
Alexa Rank 2015: 14
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Paid Content
Ownership Structure
According to the records of the Chamber of Commerce of Medellín, the media has not presented changes in its shareholding structure.
From its creation, Luis Adolfo Caro has been the only shareholder.
Voting Rights
No Data
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Luis Adolfo Caro | After the conducted research, it was not possible to find information on the owner’s profile. Luis Adolfo Caro is not registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Medellin.
Jorge Iván Pareja Castaño | Pareja Castaño was candidate of the Partido Social of Unidad Nacional (Social Party of National Unity) for the Departmental Chamber of Antioquia of 2006. In that time, his party reached 3 seats of the Chamber, but his votes (
No Data
Dirección: Carrera 43a No. 16sur – 47 Of. 704 Edif. Panalpina. Avenida El poblado. Medellín.Teléfono: (4) 4489730 Sitio web: www.minuto30.com
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
No se encuentra esta información. No obstante, en Cámara de Comercio de Medellín la empresa registró activos por $ 490.765.097 ; Pasivo total por: $ 472.308.924 y Patrimonio neto por: $ 18.456.173
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
No Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
No Data from oficial sources. However, the webpage "Portal Informativo Industrial" claims that Minuto30.com, registers average monthly income through digital advertising $1.500 million pesos.
Market Share
No Data
Further Information
El Mundo.com. (2012). Presentación. “Renuncio Mauro” Publicada el 18 de septiembre de 2012.
Meta Data
Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP
E-informa. (n.a). Perfil Económico de Minuto 30 S.A.S
Registro Único Empresarial y Social RUES (n.a.), Minuto 30 S.A.S.
Supersociedades (n.a), Consulta general de sociedades, Minuto 30 S.A.S.
Cámara de Comercio (n.a). Estatutos, Minuto 30 S.A.S.
Cámara de Comercio (n.a). Certificado de Existencia y Representación Legal, Minuto 30 S.A.S.
Cámara de Comercio (n.a). Estados de Resultados 2014, Minuto 30 S.A.S.
Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil (2004). Resultados del Movimiento Alianza Social Indígena en las elecciones marzo de 2004 para el Consejo de Medellín.
Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil (2007). Resultados del Partido Liberal Colombiano en las elecciones octubre de 2007 para la Asamblea Departamental de Antioquia.
Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil (2007). Resultados del Partido Social de Unidad Nacional en las elecciones marzo de 2006 para la Cámara de Representantes de Antioquia.
Universidad EAFIT, Mauricio Tobón Franco