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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Federación Colombiana de Periodistas - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

RCN La Radio

RCN Radio is the insignia station of the RCN Network, to a national level it only registers a 6.12% of audience, according to the General Media Survey. It manages news content, sports and varieties.


According to its official documents, its target population are: “Men and women of over 35 years old, of high to medium high socioeconomic level, housewives and householders, with higher education levels, with purchasing power and purchasing decision, located in the urban and rural areas of the country.” It is intended to people of strata 3, 4 and 5.


It is broadcast in Sogamoso, Popayán, Valledupar, Girardot, Bogotá, Neiva, Santa Marta, Villavicencio, Pereira, San Andrés, Barbosa, Bucaramanga, San Gil, Ibagué, Tuluá and Montería. The RCN Network has 164 stations (of which 116 are owned, 32 affiliates and 16 leased). The signal of its 13 radio systems covers 867 municipalities, reaching 88% of the territory of the country. RCN Radio also has 14 virtual stations, which can be listened from the RCN Mundo Website. At a global level, it has international agreements of journalistic association for the exchange and the information service with more than 15 international radio associations.


In the year 1948, an idea of creating a Radio Chain of national nature arose after the the temporary union of radio promoters for a religious event in Cali, Valle del Cauca. A year later, RCN emerges as a radio chain with the union of Fabricato -textile company of Medellín- and Radio Pacifico. Rudesindo Echavarría (president of Fabricato) contributes 50% of the necessary capital and Enrique y Roberto Ramírez Gaviria (Radio Pacífico), the other 50%. In its origins RCN had two mother stations: Nueva Granada (Bogotá) and La voz de Medellín (Medellín).


After the events of April 9, 1948 in Colombia, known as Bogotazo, which caused a popular riot as a consequence of the assassination of the jurist, writer, politician and presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. Restriction laws to radio were enacted generating censorship and self-censorship. RCN focused on broadcast of sport events such as horse races, Cycle Tour of Colombia, the classic RCN (since 1961), and the championships of the rising Colombian professional soccer, as well as the production and broadcast of radio series and radio dramas.


In 1950 RCN expansion began. By the 1950s, the network had around 30 integrated stations and in 1973 it is acquired by Carlos Ardila Lülle. 3 years later, it become an informative Radio and journalistic programs of news and informative content are created. Thus, “Radio Sucesos RCN” program stands out among its 16 radio stations.


Key facts

Audience Share

6.1 %

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

Free Content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Organización Ardila Lülle S.A.


Ownership Structure

The company to which LA FM belongs to Inversiones Gamesa S.A., Heraga S.A., Bermit S.A., Proma S.A. and Servinsa OAL S.A. and Parklake Investment Inc. All these companies belong to the entrepreneur Carlos Ardilla Lülle.

Voting Rights

No Data

Group / Individual Owner

Inversiones Gamesa S.A

The company belongs to the Organización Ardilla Lülle.
Subordinated to: CARBE S.A. (Parent company of OAL group). During 2008 and 2009, it was subordinated to several companies of the OAL.

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Rudesindo Echavarría | He was born in 1953 and died in 1997. He was married to María Josefa Echavarría Velez. He is the son of Rudesindo Echavarría, founder of Echavarría hermanos, fabric company located in Medellín. His two sons Rudesindo and Alejandro f


Fernando Molina Soto | He was general manager in the Granandina de Televisión programming company and business manager of RCN Radio between 1984-1999. In 2001 he was President of the board of directors of the Media National Association. He has been a re


Yolanda Ruiz Ceballo | Her professional career started in Todelar and RCN Radio. She worked as Chief Editor of Revista Cromos. She also worked in Caracol Radio and Caracol Televisión as Director of the Informative Service and Director of News, respectivel

Other Important People

José Agustín Ramírez Caro

Alternate legal representative of the channel and vice president of Human Talent and Management System in RCN Radio.
He is also the second alternate manager of Promotora Radial Colombiana S.A.S. Company belonging to the Organización Ardila Lülle and through which several licenses are awarded to stations belonging to the network of RCN Radio.


Calle 37 No. 13A-19 / Bogotá Teléfono: (1) 314707Sitio web:

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

USD $ 64.185.600 / COP $ 189.011 millions

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

USD $ 7.831.880 / COP $ 23.063 millions

Advertising (in % of total funding)

No Data

Market Share

No Data

Further Information

Meta Data

Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP


Perfil económico de empresa elaborado por E-informa. Radio Cadena Nacional S.A.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
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