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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Federación Colombiana de Periodistas - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Federación Colombiana de Periodistas LOGO
Global Media Registry is the website launched in 1998 of the Revista Semana, the country’s leading opinion and political analysis magazine, owned by Felipe López Caballero, who is the son of Alfonso López Michelsen and grandson of Alfonso López Pumarejo, these last 2 former presidents of Colombia.

The digital media conserves the editorial line of the printed version, and many of its articles and columns coincide. However, the digital media has distinctive features regarding the printed version. The website produces content more constantly than the printed version of the magazine, which circulates weekly. In addition, own investigation and journalistic analysis are generated and promoted from the digital media.


Key facts

Audience Share

Alexa Rank 2015: 30

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

Paid Content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Publicaciones Semana S.A.


Ownership Structure as well as the printed magazine, mostly belong to the Lopez Caballero family. However, Isabel López Andreau registers a 9% of the shares.

Voting Rights

No Data

Group / Individual Owner

Sociedad de Administración de Inmuebles e Inversiones S.A.S.

Mr. Felipe López Caballero has 55% of shares in this company. The remaining ownership is divided as follows:
Valmiera Enterprises Corp y Cía SCA (26.6023063%)
Kunde Ventures Limited (15.0673296%)
Felicity Comercial Inc (3.2471464%)

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Felipe López Caballero | Member of a traditional family of the Colombian political elite. Owner of Publicaciones Semana.


Alejandro Santos Rubino | Member of one of the most important families of the Colombian political elite. The son of Enrique Santos Calderón and nephew of President Juan Manuel Santos. His wife, María Aparicio Cammaert, is Secretary General of the Colombia


Alejandro Santos Rubino | Member of one of the most important families of the Colombian political elite. He is the son of Enrique Santos Calderón and nephew of President Juan Manuel Santos. His wife, María Aparicio Cammaert, is Secretary General of the Co

Other Important People

María Elena Meza Zuleta

Legal Representative. Sister of Maria Luisa Mesa Zuleta, renowned lawyer who made the shortlist for the position of Attorney General in 2012, and member of the Board of Directors of the El Tiempo CEET S.A. Publishing House. Sister of Juan Mesa Zuleta, who was Communications Advisor to the Presidency in the first term of Juan Manuel Santos and later director of Fundación Buen Gobierno, who promoted the re-election of Santos.


Dirección: Calle 93 B No. 13-47 / Bogotá D.C.Teléfono: +57 (1) 6468400Sitio web:

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

USD $ 31.834.300 / COP $ 93.379 millions de pesos

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

USD $ 5.522.140/ COP $ 16.198 millions de pesos

Advertising (in % of total funding)

No Data

Market Share

No Data

Further Information

Meta Data

Financial information: exchange rate: 1 USD = 2.937,88 COP


Cámara de Comercio (2015). Certificado de Existencia y representación Legal, Publicaciones Semana S.A, de abril de 2015.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by