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Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo

Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo is a Colombian businessman, or rather the largest individual banker in Colombia. He has been rated by FORBES Magazine as the richest man of Colombia. His fortune is estimated in 11.1 trillions of dollars, which places him as the millionaire No. 85 in the world. He is the founder and president of the most important business group in Colombia, which takes his name and groups companies and investors in different sectors of the economy: financial, agribusiness, mining and industry, energy and gas, infrastructure, hotel industry, construction and media.


He started his business career in the construction sector, but it was his foray into the financial world that made him the richest man of the country. Through the Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. he controls 33% of Colombia’s financial market and owns BAC Credomatic, the largest financial group in Central America . Another sector that represents him large revenues is that of Infrastructure, being the beneficiary and executor of the main road concessions in Colombia.


In 2012, with the purchase of the 100% of the shares of the El Tiempo publishing house, the entrepreneur entered into the media sector. He controls 28 media of wide circulation, penetration and consumption throughout the country, among which is the most widely read newspaper of general news content and of national circulation in Colombia, El Tiempo, as well as the free newspaper with great circulation and readability in its kind, ADN (four local editions). To these are added, an economic newspaper with national circulation and two regional newspapers. Seven magazines. Ten digital media. Two television channels.


He is the President of the board of directors of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. since March 1999. He is also member of the boards of directors of: the Organización Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Ltda., the El Tiempo S.A. publishing house and CEETTV S.A., the Fundación Grupo Aval and the Fundación para el Futuro de Colombia- Colfuturo.


Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A.

Financial Banco Popular


Proyectos de Infraestructura S.A. – PISA

Energy and Gas

Promigas Gascop


Organización Pajonales S.A

Industry and Mining

Mineros S.A.

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Luz Ángela Sarmiento Gutiérrez

Daughter. President of the board of directors of Grameen Aval Colombia. She is married to Antonio Ardila, the son of Carlos Ardila Lülle, who participates in his father’s business in the soda sector.

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    Global Media Registry
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