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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Federación Colombiana de Periodistas - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Federación Colombiana de Periodistas LOGO
Global Media Registry


With an audience share of 77% radio is second only to television in media consumption in Colombia and thus reaches a broad public in colombian society.

The principal radio networks are RCN Radio (part of the Organización Ardila Lülle, which also owns RCN Televisión) and Caracol Radio (owned by Grupo Prisa). The creation of new broadcasters and programs, together with the regular movement of journalists between stations makes for a dynamic radio sector. Whilst a few broadcasters concentrate most of the market, audience segmentation means each time slot has different characteristics.

There are 1512 radio stations on the AM and FM frequencies. These can be classified into three types: public, commercial, community. Despite this diversity, the audience is concentrated in three principal networks: Olímpica, RCN, and Caracol. Some 69.9% of Colombians aged 13 years and over listen to radio. This represents and increase of two points during the last two years. The most popular stations feature music interspersed with sports and talk back programs. There are no radio stations offering purely news. There is little editorial comment. Public broadcasters have a deep penetration in Colombia, through more than 50 military and police radio stations.

Key Facts

  • Radio penetration: 79.1% (US Consulting, 2015) ·
  • AM radio stations: 850 · FM radio stations: 1124 ·
  • Total radio stations in the country: 1512 (MINTIC, 2015) ·
  • Radio consumption: 77% (ANTV).

Media Selection

The radio broadcasters chosen for thorough investigation by MOM are listed below. The choice was based on audience share (according EGM 2014 third wave), the contents of the media (the presence of informative content, debate, or opinion), and its relevance in the public sphere.

Detailed information is found by clicking to the logo of each media organization.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by